Monday, November 18, 2013

Field Trip on Thursday!!! Please sign permission slips!

Your child's class will be attending a Field Trip to :

The Los Angeles Zoo 
Thursday, November 22nd

We will be leaving DRCS promptly at 8am, and returning by approximately 5pm.

Please bring a minimum of $15.00 for your ticket & lunch inside the Zoo
(Plus extra cash if your student would like souvenirs, water, ect., add $5 if you're an adult)

Please wear comfortable shoes, and bring a light sweater or jacket.

Thanksgiving Party on Friday and Half Day!

Our Thanksgiving party is this Friday!  Please sign-up for a food item you are able to share with the class.  Parents are welcome to join.  The party begins at 10:30am.

Samaritan Purse Boxes due this Wednesday

Please have your child bring an item(s) for our class Samaritan Purse Box.  The boxes are due Wednesday

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Samaritan's Purse

Hello Parents and Students!

Today and through November 19th we are collecting items for our Samaritan's Purse boxes.  I have asked each student to bring at least ONE ITEM that they would like to put in the box.  I would like to send a minimum of two boxes (one for a boy and one for a girl).  Please select items for a child your own student's age.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via e-mail, text, or call.

Thank you,
~Miss Beltran

Thanksgiving Party Friday, Nov. 22nd!

Hello Parents and Students!

Friday, November 22nd is our 
Thanksgiving Party!

There is a sign-up sheet outside the hallway of our classroom if you would like to bring something (which is greatly apprciated and strongly encouraged!).  If you like, you may e-mail, call, or text me what you are bringing so that you do not have to actually come into the school to sign-up.  Parents are welcome to join us in the festivities :)
Remember... that day is also a HALF DAY!  So please pick your student up at 11:30am.
Thank you,
˜Miss Beltran

Thursday, November 7, 2013