Monday, December 16, 2013

Uppergrade Meeting Tonight @ 7pm!

Parents please remeber to attend DRCS's mandatory Uppergrade meeting tonight at 7pm.  Thank you and see you tonight!

~Miss Beltran

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Jacket/Blanket Drive @ DRCS :)

Christmas Party on December 20th :)


Hello Parents!
December 20th at 10:30am is our Class Christmas Party, and it would be wonderful if you would join us!  We are having a Breakfast-themed party this year, and it would be most-appreciated if you can also contribute to the party by bringing an item to share.  If you are unable to provide an item, it would be appreciated if you could generously donate $5 so that we can purchase items.  Please sign-up for an item below, and note that there will be at least 20 people at the party.  Thank you, and may you all have a wonderful Christmas Season.              ~Miss Beltran


       The Flagg Family    -            Waffle Maker and Waffle Mix (I would like 2 waffle makers)

                                                     Waffle Toppings (Strawberries, Whipped Cream, Fruit, ect)


       The Gentry Family      -         Scrambled Eggs

                                            -         Sausage

     The Gentry Family         -        Muffins

      The Rushe Family        -        Syrup (4 bottles)

                                                     Bread, Jam, and Toaster

                                                     Orange Juice

       The Rucker Family     -        Plates, Cups, Utensils


The Trott-Palacios Family  -       Cinnamon Rolls

                                                     Bagels and Cream Cheese


Extra Credit Opportunities!

*All extra credit is due no later than Wednesday, December 18th, however, you may turn in your work as soon as you are finished, given that it is before the due date.

Algebra Chapter 5: Extra Credit

1)  Create a game for one of the sections in Chapter 5.  For example, I created an Algebra Chutes and
     Ladders Board Game for the section on solving for the variable. (40pts)

2)  Slope-intercept line art (see handout). (points vary given complexity)

3)  Make a Rate of Change poster with chart, picture and explanation using proper
     terminology. (25pts)

4)  Make a Parallel Line V. Perpendicular line poster with chart, picture and explanation using
     proper terminology.  Please note that the chart should include examples of how to solve each
     one using another equation and a point on the graph. (25pts)

Physical Science: Extra Credit

1)  Make a poster comparing Physical and Chemical changes.  Posters must be detailed and include
     examples, both written and visual (meaning a picture).

2)  Make a poster where you label the structure of a chemical equation and show how to
     balance a chemical equation. Posters must be detailed and include examples, both
     written and visual (meaning a picture).

3)  Make a poster showing how to classify chemical reactions (synthesis,
     decomposition, replacement).  Posters must be detailed and include examples, both
     written and visual (meaning a picture).

4)  Make a poster showing the difference between exothermic and endothermic
     reactions.  Posters must be detailed and include examples, both written and visual
     (meaning a picture).

United States History: Extra Credit Opportunities

1)  Students can choose to make a Steamer Trunk with Passage Documents (if you would like to do
     this one, please see me so I can make copies of the instructions for you). (40pts)

2)   Students can make a diary of a mill worker.  The diary must have a minimum of 10 entries,  
      must have a designed cover, and must be styled and aged appropriately. (20pts)

3)  Students can research a historical figure mentioned in Chapter 7.  Research papers must be
     thorough, and must properly cite sources using MLA format.  Research papers must be a
     minimum of 2 pages, and include pictures. (20pts)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Field Trip on Thursday!!! Please sign permission slips!

Your child's class will be attending a Field Trip to :

The Los Angeles Zoo 
Thursday, November 22nd

We will be leaving DRCS promptly at 8am, and returning by approximately 5pm.

Please bring a minimum of $15.00 for your ticket & lunch inside the Zoo
(Plus extra cash if your student would like souvenirs, water, ect., add $5 if you're an adult)

Please wear comfortable shoes, and bring a light sweater or jacket.

Thanksgiving Party on Friday and Half Day!

Our Thanksgiving party is this Friday!  Please sign-up for a food item you are able to share with the class.  Parents are welcome to join.  The party begins at 10:30am.

Samaritan Purse Boxes due this Wednesday

Please have your child bring an item(s) for our class Samaritan Purse Box.  The boxes are due Wednesday

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Samaritan's Purse

Hello Parents and Students!

Today and through November 19th we are collecting items for our Samaritan's Purse boxes.  I have asked each student to bring at least ONE ITEM that they would like to put in the box.  I would like to send a minimum of two boxes (one for a boy and one for a girl).  Please select items for a child your own student's age.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via e-mail, text, or call.

Thank you,
~Miss Beltran

Thanksgiving Party Friday, Nov. 22nd!

Hello Parents and Students!

Friday, November 22nd is our 
Thanksgiving Party!

There is a sign-up sheet outside the hallway of our classroom if you would like to bring something (which is greatly apprciated and strongly encouraged!).  If you like, you may e-mail, call, or text me what you are bringing so that you do not have to actually come into the school to sign-up.  Parents are welcome to join us in the festivities :)
Remember... that day is also a HALF DAY!  So please pick your student up at 11:30am.
Thank you,
˜Miss Beltran

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

Harvest Carnival

MUCH thanks and praise is owed to the parents and students who volunteered at the Harvest Carnival (but mostly to the parents!). Thank you SO much for the time and energy you put into making the day and evening a phenomenal one.  Your generous contribution will truly never be forgotten.  Thank you SO much for making my 1st ever Harvest Carnival here at DRCS such a fun and spectacular one! I am so grateful for your kind and welcoming hearts! 

~Miss Beltran

P.s here are some pics of the 8th Graders  from the Harvest Carnival


DRCS Running Club

 Wednesdays and Fridays 315pm-4pm

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Gratitude Videos

A few weeks ago the teachers at DRCS created a list of the things we were grateful for.  Our "Gratitude Videos"can be seen on Mrs. Orellana's blog (link on the left tab).  The 8th grade class was truly inspired, and we created our own lists.  The following students are among those who video recorded their "Gratitudes" and the links to those videos follow:




Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Algebra Tutoring on Tuesdays

Every Tuesday tutoring for Algebra is available at no charge.  Tutoring is from 3:15pm - 4:00pm.

Harvest Festival Next Friday!

Next Friday is our DRCS Harvest Carnival!

That day is also a HALF DAY.  So please pick your children up at 11:30am.  That day we will also have a class party.  Students are welcome to bring food items to share.  If your child would like to bring something to share please bring enough for the entire class (15 students total).   
Thank you,
~Miss Beltran

Harvest Carnival Info:
At DRCS (1333 E. 39th St.) from 5pm-9pm

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bible Blog response is REQUIRED DAILY!

PARENTS: Please allow 10min of internet time EVERYDAY for you child to post to our 8th grade Bible Blog.  This is a REQUIREMENT and it is also a major part of their GRADE.  If you do not have internet access at home, there is internet access available at school.  If this is the case, then please bring students early to school, or allow them to stay late so that they may post.

Thank you,
Miss Beltran

Homework page is up and running!

You can now see the daily homework that is being assigned.  This page will be updated daily.

Thank you,
˜Miss Beltran

Monday, October 14, 2013

Field Trips Next Week!!!!

We have TWO upcoming field trips next week!

*Monday, October 21st- The Huntington Library

Be at DRCS at your normal time (8:30am) we will be leaving at 10am Sharp! Parents need to be at DRCS at 945am.
Have $11 for Library Entrance fee + $$$ for Inn n' Out
Dress nice (no hats, shorts, no t-shirts. Boys wear collared shirts)
ETA back is: 4:15pm

*Thursday, October 24th- Lifehouse Theatre in Redlands
Be at DRCS at normal time (8:30am)
We will be leaving at 9:45am
Have $7 for Theatre Entrance Fee + Bring $$$ for Inn n'Out 
Dress nice (no hats, shorts, no t-shirts. Boys wear collared shirts)
Pick your kids up at the normal time (3pm)

Please sign your child's permission slip.

We are in need of drivers!!! If you are able to drive please let Pastor Steve or me know.

Thank you, 
Miss Beltran

"The Wednesday War" Assignment


You are to respond to two of the following essay prompts.  Your responses should be a minimum of 2 pages, double-spaced, MLA format. They should be detailed and substantial responses with supporting evidence from the text. Check spelling and grammar, both will be counted towards your final grade.  Not having a computer at home is not a valid excuse for not completing the assignment as directed.  You have been given enough time to complete the assignment as directed.  If you do not have a computer at home, you can come to school early or stay late to use the school computer- responses must be typed- no exceptions!  Late work will not be accepted.  If you will be absent on the day the assignment is due you can e-mail it to me at:   This assignment is due October 23rd.

Respond to two of the following:

- “When gods die, they die hard” (p. 93).  Explain the meaning of this quote. How does Holling experience the metaphorical deaths of many “gods” in The Wednesday Wars?  What new “gods” or “dreams” or “heroes” replace those who have “died”?
- How do the plays Holling reads with Mrs. Baker mirror events in the book?
- Explain Holling’s relationship with his father. What are the positive things about their relationship? What are the negative things? Does the end of the book leave you hopeful or fearful for their future relationship? Use examples from the book.
- Explain Holling’s relationship with his sister. What are the positive things about their relationship? What are the negative things? What did it mean that they had to find each other? Use examples from the book.
- How did your opinion of Mrs. Baker change as you read the book? Give specific examples and cite incidents from the story to support your view.
- After reading The Tempest, Mrs. Baker tells Holling that defeats help us grow. What defeats does Holling suffer in the seventh grade, and how do they help him mature?

- Why did Holling refer to his home as the “Perfect House,” and how does this relate to Holling’s father? Give details from the book that support the idea that all was not perfect.
-The month of May focuses on the idea of "finding oneself."  Both Holling and his sister pursue this idea.  Describe in detail both Holling's and his sister's "pursuit of oneself."  (In search of textual evidence you may want to elaborate on what Holling means when he says "she found me" (page 234), and also look at pg. 154 where Holling talks about his father's pursuit of self-discovery).

Upper Grade Meeting Tonight

Our monthly meeting to discuss field trips and fundraising is tonight at 6:30pm.  This is mandatory for parents to attend.  Thank you,
~Miss Beltran

"The Wednesday War" Assignment


You are to respond to two of the following essay prompts.  Your responses should be a minimum of 2 pages, double-spaced, MLA format. They should be detailed and substantial responses with supporting evidence from the text. Check spelling and grammar, both will be counted towards your final grade.  Not having a computer at home is not a valid excuse for not completing the assignment as directed.  You have been given enough time to complete the assignment as directed.  If you do not have a computer at home, you can come to school early or stay late to use the school computer- responses must be typed- no exceptions!  Late work will not be accepted.  If you will be absent on the day the assignment is due you can e-mail it to me at:   This assignment is due October 23rd.

Respond to two of the following:

- “When gods die, they die hard” (p. 93).  Explain the meaning of this quote. How does Holling experience the metaphorical deaths of many “gods” in The Wednesday Wars?  What new “gods” or “dreams” or “heroes” replace those who have “died”?
- How do the plays Holling reads with Mrs. Baker mirror events in the book?
- Explain Holling’s relationship with his father. What are the positive things about their relationship? What are the negative things? Does the end of the book leave you hopeful or fearful for their future relationship? Use examples from the book.
- Explain Holling’s relationship with his sister. What are the positive things about their relationship? What are the negative things? What did it mean that they had to find each other? Use examples from the book.
- How did your opinion of Mrs. Baker change as you read the book? Give specific examples and cite incidents from the story to support your view.
- After reading The Tempest, Mrs. Baker tells Holling that defeats help us grow. What defeats does Holling suffer in the seventh grade, and how do they help him mature?

- Why did Holling refer to his home as the “Perfect House,” and how does this relate to Holling’s father? Give details from the book that support the idea that all was not perfect.
-The month of May focuses on the idea of "finding oneself."  Both Holling and his sister pursue this idea.  Describe in detail both Holling's and his sister's "pursuit of oneself."  (In search of textual evidence you may want to elaborate on what Holling means when he says "she found me" (page 234), and also look at pg. 154 where Holling talks about his father's pursuit of self-discovery).

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Permission Slips!

Please turn in permission slips for Fridays Field Trip ASAP! Also, if you are able to drive your child and perhaps a few classmates, please indicate on the permission slip that you are able to do so.  

Thank you and have a wonderful evening.

˜Miss Beltran

School Picnic This Saturday!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Field Trip! Need Drivers Please :)

We are in need of drivers for the field trip on Friday.  If you are able to drive please e-mail, call, or text me.

Thank you,

Miss Beltran


Please note: THERE WILL BE NO CLASS ON FRIDAY! The 8th graders who participated in the Summer Reading and myself will be away on a field trip.  If your child did not participate please make arrangements for them as there will be no class held on Friday.

Thank you.
˜Miss Beltran

Homework Updates

Please check out the homework page for updates on weekly homework.  The "Weekly Homework"tab is located to the right.

Thank you.

˜Miss Beltran

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Our Fantastic Week!

This Friday the 8th Grade Class had 100% participation in DRCS Sprit Day!!!! Awesome job class! I am SO proud!  Lets set the standard for participation this year and win every time!  Have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday!

˜Miss Beltran

Friday, September 6, 2013

Spirit Day!!!

                                                          School Spirit Day is Tomorrow!!!!

                                    Remember to wear a solid RED shirt or your school shirt
                                                   If our class has the most participants...
                                                     WE GET AN ICE CREAM PARTY!!!!!


Hope to see you in our school colors tomorrow!

˜Miss Beltran